Insights Discovery: The 4 Colors of Personality
- 03/12/2024
- Start: 09:30
- End: 16:30

Knowing yourself well is a fundamental part of your personal and professional development. A lack of self-knowledge makes it difficult to determine the next steps in your growth process. Nowadays more and more employees, managers, leaders and directors possess their own personality profile. This profile enables them to have a clear view of their strengths, areas for improvement and progress curve.
How do you obtain your personality profile?
First step: complete a questionnaire.
Second step: a conversation in which your personality profile is presented and explained.
Give us the green light and we will initiate the process!
Happy Mondays works with Insights Discovery ©, MBTI ©, HBDI ©, DISC ©.
Programme of this training
- To become aware of the importance of a thorough self-knowledge, and the impact of your thinking and functioning modus on your actions.
- To discover the importance of your perception and way of functioning: your strengths, your areas of attention and your progress curve.
- To get to know other personality types, their particulars and preferences. You will learn to recognize them and become aware of their behavioural patterns and ways of handling things.
- To learn how to adapt your verbal and non-verbal communication to different conversational partners and situations.
- To practice the acquired techniques and experience their impact in practical situations. In this way you will discover how they work, what they can contribute and how you can implement them easily in your daily work context.
€ 695,00
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Holiday Inn
Holidaystraat 7
1831 Diegem
- Situation-Based Learning
- Brain-Based Learning
- Concrete cases
- Role-play in group
- Exchanging experiences
- « Best practices »
- Visual aids
- Practical information sheets
- A personal action plan