The new way of working: create a hybrid workplace that works
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The transition from unstructured and mandatory remote work to structured work in a hybrid team must happen now. And working asynchronously is crucial in this regard. It means that you can take on your tasks and responsibilities without having direct contact with colleagues. The synchronous workplace is definitely a thing of the past.
Programme of this training
- You discover the 5 levels of remote work and determine where your team stands today.
- You learn how to work efficiently by creating clarity and making agreements. You know what kind of team you are in, what structure you need, what ‘The Non-Negotiable Rules’ are and what basic attitudes go with it.
- You learn to apply the ‘Learn & Do’ and the ‘Observe-Learn-Improve’ principles as a team.
- You know how to apply the five necessary skills to efficiently work in a hybrid workplace and how to work asynchronously. You will also learn how to stimulate autonomy, strengthen communication skills and team cohesion, develop the right work attitude and digital skills.
- You put the acquired techniques into practice and experience their impact via practical exercises. In this way, you learn how they work, what they have to offer and how you can easily implement them in your daily work context.
What will you get out of this journey?
Thanks to this training, your managers and your team gain valuable time every week by aligning their individual and collective way of working.
- Situation-Based Learning
- Brain-Based Learning
- Concrete cases
- Role-play in group
- Exchanging experiences
- « Best practices »
- Visual aids
- Practical information sheets
- A personal action plan
Discover how top performers achieve more, work better and still do less (time management & priority management)
Learning to coordinate projects better & tackle problems differently (Impeccable coordination & Problem Solving)
Well-functioning teams make clear decisions in time
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