Negotiation skills: learn to negotiate sustainably
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More and more companies have a new outlook on negotiating. Whereas the focus used to lie primarily on short-term profit, companies now aim at creating added value in the long term. They choose for a few reliable partners with whom they start a sustainable collaboration. Sustainable negotiation and the development of long-term agreements require a different strategy, a different mindset and a different perspective, however.
Programme of this training
- To become aware of the importance of value creation and to negotiate with an ultimate goal in mind.
- To realise how quickly a win-win situation can change into a win-lose or even a lose-lose situation. You will learn how to change your position from one as opponent to one as ally and you will know your alternatives during the negotiation process.
- To become aware of the importance of a proper preparation and good contact with your conversational partner. You will realise that your listening and questioning skills are crucial for the quality of your arguments.
- To discover the factors that influence your conversational partner during the negotiation.
- To practice the acquired techniques and experience their impact in practical situations. In this way you will discover how they work, what they can contribute and how you can implement them easily in your daily work context.
What will you get out of this journey?
You will realise you have a lot of influence on the outcome of a negotiation. You will discover that you don’t need to be an aggressive sales person in order to be efficient in negotiating. By practicing you will notice that the techniques and strategies are simple and effective and that you can easily apply them in your work context.
- Situation-Based Learning
- Brain-Based Learning
- Concrete cases
- Role-play in group
- Exchanging experiences
- « Best practices »
- Visual aids
- Practical information sheets
- A personal action plan
Powerful persuasion techniques that make your message stick
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