Insights Discovery Personality profile: self-assessment tool
This training is available:
Knowing yourself well is a fundamental part of your personal and professional development. A lack of self-knowledge makes it difficult to determine the next steps in your growth process. Nowadays more and more employees, managers, leaders and directors possess their own personality profile. This profile enables them to have a clear view of their strengths, areas for improvement and progress curve.
How do you obtain your personality profile?
First step: you complete a questionnaire.
Second step: you follow the Insights Discovery / MBTI / DISC training.
You can find more info here:
Third step: you will meet with a coach in which your personality profile is further presented and explained.
Give us the green light and we set the process in motion!
Happy Mondays works with Insights Discovery ©, MBTI ©, HBDI ©, DISC ©.
Programme of this training
- To become aware of the importance of a thorough self-knowledge, and the impact of your thinking and functioning modus on your actions.
- To discover the importance of your perception and way of functioning: your strengths, your areas of attention and your progress curve.
- To get to know other personality types, their particulars and preferences. You will learn to recognize them and become aware of their behavioural patterns and ways of handling things.
What will you get out of this journey?
You will know yourself and also understand the behaviour of others better. You will become aware of the influence of your own perception and views. You will know the different personality profiles and their particulars and what to do or avoid in interactions with them. You will be able to adjust your communication with your colleagues and managers optimally, deal with challenging situations and give constructive feedback. You will be more aware when you deal with things and make choices that will fit your objectives more adequately.
- Situation-Based Learning
- Brain-Based Learning
- Concrete cases
- Role-play in group
- Exchanging experiences
- « Best practices »
- Visual aids
- Practical information sheets
- A personal action plan
How to get the best out of your team as a senior people manager?
Make sure your people become and stay change-ready (Change Management)
Bring out the best version of yourself thanks to one of these internationally recognised tools
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