Remote leadership: make your hybrid team 2 times better than offline teams

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Companies are looking for managers who stimulate their employees in the development of mature emotional skills and self-discipline. How can you provide a virtual environment in which your employees can express their concerns and at the same time take action themselves when encountering difficulties, without face-to-face support? How do you, as a manager, ensure alignment with your employees from a distance?

Programme of this training

  • You discover the 4 key elements that enable you to effectively lead your team from a distance, how to bring structure to your team and to determine priorities.
  • You get acquainted with the 6 steps that make your virtual team more efficient than a ‘normal’ face-to-face team.
  • You learn how to install ‘Mindshift’ at home, how to determine priorities within your function and how to find a balance between being available and unavailable to others.
  • You learn how to maintain a healthy work-life balance and keep your productivity high.
  • You put the acquired techniques into practice and experience their impact via practical exercises. In this way, you learn how they work, what they have to offer and how you can easily implement them in your daily work context.

What will you get out of this journey?

Thanks to this training, your managers and teams will gain valuable time on a weekly basis by aligning their individual and collective ways of working.



  • Situation-Based Learning
  • Brain-Based Learning


  • Concrete cases
  • Role-play in group
  • Exchanging experiences
  • « Best practices »


  • Visual aids
  • Practical information sheets
  • A personal action plan

Feel free to contact us

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Remote leadership: make your hybrid team 2 times better than offline teams