More self-insight and better working relationships thanks to Insights Discovery, MBTI or DISC
This training is available:

Now that you know your own personality profile and followed the ‘Discover Your Personality Profile’ training, you know the different profiles, their functioning modus and particulars. Time for the next step: refining your professional skills with regard to communication, conflict management, feedback, team management, recruitment, problem management, leadership, people management, sales, creativity, team building, motivation, …
Happy Mondays works with Insights Discovery ©, MBTI ©, HBDI ©, DISC ©.
Programme of this training
- To learn how to accentuate your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
- To become aware of how you react to the world around you, how you make decisions and how you deal with information.
- To be able to adapt your communication skills and behaviour to different personalities and situations.
- To learn how different personality profiles function under stress and how you can support them adequately and guide them to a different behaviour.
- To practice the acquired techniques and experience their impact in practical situations. In this way you will discover how they work, what they can contribute and how you can implement them easily in your daily work context.
What will you get out of this journey?
You will acquire a better understanding of your own personality and automatic reactions. You will be able to observe and analyse situational behaviour and adapt your own functioning modus to your conversational partner and the circumstances. This will make your communication and (self-) leadership more efficient and better adapted to the situation. You will determine your own development goals and make up an effective action plan.
- Situation-Based Learning
- Brain-Based Learning
- Concrete cases
- Role-play in group
- Exchanging experiences
- « Best practices »
- Visual aids
- Practical information sheets
- A personal action plan
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